ENQUETE TOP-20 UITZINGERS, inleveren bij Karin Kooyman
Kruis je eigen top-20 hieronder aan.
0 Alas, what hope of speeding John Wilbey
0 Alleluia W.A. Mozart
0 A little pretty bonny lass John Farmer
0 An die Musik Franz Schubert
0 And the green grass grew William Jerome
0 April is in my mistress' face Thomas Morley
0 As torrents in summer Edward Elgar
0 Ave Maria Edward Elgar
0 Ave verum Edward Elgar
0 Benedictus Willem Vogel
0 Bonjour mon coeur Orlando di Lasso
0 Cantique de Jean Racine Gabriel Faure
0 De nevel dekt ons Joh. Verhulst
0 Der Tanz Franz Schubert
0 Donna donna
0 Durgerdammer Botklopperslied H.v.d. Gugten/Hugo
0 Due pupille amabili W.A. Mozart
0 El Grillo Josquin Desprez
0 Fair Phyllis I saw John Farmer
0 From the time you say goodbaye
0 Hard by a fountain Hubert Waelrant
0 Im stillen Friedhof Hugo Wolf
0 Locus iste Anton Bruckner
0 Lord hear my prayer William Byrd
0 Mi lagnero tacendo W.A. Mozart
0 Mille regrets Josquin Desprez
0 O occhi, manza mia Orlando di Lasso
0 O salutaris hostia Pierre de La Rue
0 Pastoral-Messe J. Gruber
0 Più non si trovano W.A. Mozart
0 Rock around the clock Jimmy the Knight
0 Rosmarin Joh. Brahms
0 Salve Regina J.M. Haydn
0 Sancti Dei J.M. Haydn
0 Se lontan ben mio W.A. Mozart
0 Sweet roses of morn K.G. Werner
0 Swing low, sweet chariot
0 Tebe poem D. Bortnianski
0 The long day closes A. Sullivan
0 The way we were Marvin Hanlisch
0 Tourdion Pierre Attaingnant
0 We'll meet again Hughie Charles
0 Wohl mir, dass ich Jesum habe J.S. Bach
0 Zigeunerleben Robert Schumann